Ji.hlava New Visions Forum
«Rebelión de la Memoria» by Joël Jent is selected as one of 15 projects in development by Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival to be presented at New Visions Forum. The event is dedicated to the new generation of European producers, new formats, innovative trends, and visions for the future. At the core of the Ji.hlava New Visions Forum is the pitching of fifteen European documentary projects. The event will take place on October 30–31 during the Ji.hlava IDFF and will be attended by film professionals and other stakeholders in the film industry.
The project is represented by director Joël Jent and producer Sophia Rubischung.
«Rebelión de la Memoria» is being developed with support from BAK – Bundesamt für Kultur, Zürcher Filmstiftung, Amt für Kultur Kanton St.Gallen, MEDIAdesk Suisse, The StoryBoard Collective, SWISS FILMS, ESoDoc – European Social Documentary, EURODOC, When East Meets West, Medimed – Euromed Docs Market & Pitching Forum and coproduced with SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, SRG SSR, Les Films d’Ici (Charlotte Uzu), Amazona Producciones (Claudia Chávez Levano).